E2 ManageTech
E2 ManageTech is a software neutral company. We do not develop or sell any proprietary applications of our own, nor are we financially aligned with any vendors at any level or our company. E2 ManageTech delivers EHS&S Management Information Services (EMIS) from start to finish. Our services begin with upfront strategic prioritization, move into requirements definition and software selection based on client driven best-fit analysis, and includes implementation ongoing maintenance and support of the designed solution. E2's EMIS services include:
- Strategic planning and prioritization
- Detailed design, including requirements specification, work flow analysis, and best-fit analysis
- Implementation and Deployment Planning
- Implementation
- Maintenance and Support
E2 tools such as our Accelerated Requirements Definition (ARD) templates leverage best practices from over 200 global Fortune 500 clients. Our full spectrum of engineering-based solutions as well as case studies and industry focuses can be found on our website: www.E2ManageTech.com.
About NAEM
NAEMThe National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces, and promote global sustainability. As the largest professional community for EHS and sustainability decision-makers, we provide peer-led educational conferences and an active network for sharing solutions to today's corporate EHS and sustainability management challenges. Visit NAEM online at www.naem.org.